Jury finds Google’s implementation of Java in Android was fair use

Jury finds Google’s implementation of Java in Android was fair use

source: https://techcrunch.com/2016/05/26/jury-finds-googles-implementation-of-java-in-android-was-fair-use/ Software developers can breathe a massive sigh of relief — a jury found today that Google’s implementation of 37 Java APIs in Android qualified as fair use. However, Oracle attorneys have already indicated that they will appeal the decision. “Today’s verdict that Android makes fair use of Java APIs represents a win for the […]

WordPress.com Gets a New Face and Joins the JavaScript Age

WordPress.com Gets a New Face and Joins the JavaScript Age

source: http://www.wired.com/2015/11/wordpress-com-gets-a-new-face-and-joins-the-javascript-age/ THE POPULAR BLOGGING site WordPress.com unveiled a new admin interface today for managing blogs, posting content, and reading other people’s sites. If you’re a regular user, you’ll notice a new look and feel. If you’re a code geek, you’ll notice something more remarkable below the surface: JavaScript instead of PHP. If you run the […]