source: Software developers can breathe a massive sigh of relief — a jury found today that Google’s implementation of 37 Java APIs in Android qualified as fair use. However, Oracle attorneys have already indicated that they will appeal the decision. “Today’s verdict that Android makes fair use of Java APIs represents a win for the […]
Read more Jury finds Google’s implementation of Java in Android was fair useWe offer IT Solutions:
Technology platforms that will define your future.
Mobile Apps
Turn your smartphones and tablets to a more powerful device by mobilizing customized apps for personal, commercial and corporate platforms that are interactive with robust source of information while on the move. Creating native apps on Android and iOS platforms will better equip the company's need for innovative marketing strategy.
Web Apps
Utilizing Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) platform in business applications (e.g. ERP, CRM, MIS, other database) will significantly increase workforce productivity and push for company growth. Potentially, it will reduce company's costs on IT infrastructure and promote better transparency and accountability.
Software (App) Integration
Continuous integration and enhancement of company existing applications to a more responsive, scalable and adhere to the latest and best practice approach in software development are the key factors to achieve sustainable growth and maximize the full capacity of software solutions.
Our Portfolios
List of our customized software products.
Company Profile App :
Promotes individual and organizational profile for business, commercial advertisement, information campaign and other marketing strategy.
Dynamic Survey App :
Conduct survey via smartphone/tablet and acquire real-time results and data analytics on dashboard app.
Telemetry App :
Monitors various parameters of data from telemetry device of a power utility plant on real-time.
Software Programming Tools
In addition to the traditional software development tools (e.g. PHP, .Net, Mysql, SQL Server, WAMP, Java, IDE tools) that we used, we build powerful and integrated apps using latest seamless programming platforms that are being supported by big companies around the globe.
MEAN Stack Framework
Web Application
One of the most popular programming languages today is JavaScript. MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js. MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript framework for application developers from backend to frontend processing which transforms web application to a more high performance and deployment friendly. With the support from community and industry leaders (e.g. Google / AWS) businesses can empower their organizational structure to be more agile and scalable.
Android & iOS sdk
Mobile Application
Android and iOS are the most commonly used and highly powerful platforms of creating native apps. Written in java for Android and Swift/Objective-C for iOS, they offer the fastest, most reliable and most responsive experience to users and can tap into the wider functionality of the device, including the camera, compass, accelerometer, notifications and swipe gestures. They can also work offline. iOS and Android both have comprehensive tools for almost everything from designing to testing.
Software Data Analytics
Tableau is business intelligence software that allows anyone to easily connect to data, then visualize and create interactive, sharable dashboards. Tableau offers the most attractive yet functional data visualizations of any data visualization software. Tableau has revolutionized the business analytics industry by making insight immediately accessible to anyone – whether it’s through a desktop tool, web browser, iPad or mobile phone.
Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.
Latest news
Feb, 1 Gets a New Face and Joins the JavaScript Age
source: THE POPULAR BLOGGING site unveiled a new admin interface today for managing blogs, posting content, and reading other people’s sites. If you’re a regular user, you’ll notice a new look and feel. If you’re a code geek, you’ll notice something more remarkable below the surface: JavaScript instead of PHP. If you run the […]
Read more Gets a New Face and Joins the JavaScript Age